Trees: Apple Tree (Seasonal)

Pack of Apple trees with Seasonal Functionality

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video showcase

video introduction to seasonal functionality

4 Types Of Apple trees

New realtime seasonal shader controlled by Blueprint

Animated with PivotPainter 2.0

Scanned Bottom Trunks

Blueprint controlled wind fuctionality

3 stages of LOD’s (Octahedral Impostor last lod)

Also 4 season tree version with simple shader version

Technical Details

4 Types Of Apple trees

New realtime seasonal shader controlled by Blueprint

Animated with PivotPainter 2.0

Scanned Bottom Trunks

Blueprint controlled wind functionality

3 stages of LOD’s (Octahedral Impostor last lod)

Also 4 season tree version with simple shader version

Props Scaled to FPS camera: Yes

Physically-Based Rendering: Partially, some maps are generated from others

Collision: Yes, Generated + Imposters

Triangle Count: 24 – 245 311

LODs: 3 (Including Octahedral Imposter Billboards)

Number of Meshes: 37

Number of Textures: 138

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 90

Number of Material Functions: 20

Number of Material Parameter Collections: 2

Intended Platform: Windows

Platforms Tested: Windows

Documentation Included: Video Instructions

Supported Engine Versions

4.22 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3