TS UE Islands Pack 3 – Procedural
This pack contains 16 high-quality realistic terrains in island shapes.
The islands are a wide variety including circular, isles, and procedural that are two kilometers in size.
Each landscape is using a five-layer RGBAK Splatmap Material that provides superior terrain texturing compared to auto-materials. The RGBAK Splatmap Material is higher resolution than the Landscape heightmap (2048 Weightmap/Splatmap versus 2017 Landscape). Two different Splatmaps are provided with differing beach edge sharpness.
This pack also includes a 3-layer AutoMaterial.
Plus an example Grass in the Splatmap materials.
Each two kilometer landscape can be scaled up to 200% to give a four kilometer island with very little loss in visual quality.
Each map is set to dynamic lighting for smaller download size and less memory consumption during loading.
To change any map to static lighting, change the Directional Light to Stationary, and disable (uncheck) the World Settings.Lightmass.Force No Precomputed Lighting option.
Any landscape can be sculpted in Unreal Engine, exported, and re-splatted using TerreSculptor 2.0.
See this video “TerreSculptor UE4 Splatmap Landscape Workflow”
If you need to re-splat this heightmap, such as after sculpting it, simply do the following:
Export the heightmap from the Landscape actor, resample the heightmap to 2048×2048, re-extract the weightmaps, re-create the splatmap, re-import the splatmap into the engine assets and assign it to the material instance.
This pack also contains the original source 2048 heightmaps in RGB24 format so that different weightmaps can be created. Note that RGB24 heightmap format is required since Unreal Engine cannot currently work with 16-bit grayscale textures.
RGBAK Splatmap Creation
RGBAK Master Materials
RGBAK Paint Layers
This pack provides realistic landscapes that can be used in your game or visualization projects.
The landscapes do not contain buildings or other game or visualization assets.
There are significantly more terrain textures than what is seen in the example preview images.
This pack contains a basic ocean shader material and ocean mesh that can be used or swapped out for other content.
Content Notes:
Assets created by Demenzun Media using our TerreSculptor software.
Heightmaps based on USGS data under Creative Commons Attribution.
Textures are created in-house or obtained from public domain non-attribute sources only.
Textures marked T_DM_ are created by Demenzun Media.
Textures marked T_3DT_ are public domain non-attribute from
Textures marked T_CGB_ are public domain non-attribute from
Maps are using the default Unreal Engine 4 Sky Sphere copyright Epic Games Inc.
Heightmaps, Weightmaps, and RGBAK Splatmaps created with the free TerreSculptor 2.0 software.
Download the free TerreSculptor 2.0 software from Demenzun Media for complete Heightmap, Weightmap, Splatmap, Normalmap creation and more.
RGBAK Splatmaps provide a fast lightweight method of high-quality multi-texturing perfect for lightweight projects.
Technical Details
• Contains 16 high-quality Island style Landscape maps.
Number of Unique Meshes: 2
Collision: No
Vertex Count: Varies
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 23
Number of Textures: 81
Texture Resolutions: 1024, 2048, 4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Not Tested
Documentation: None
Important/Additional Notes:
Asset List:
• Projects: 1
• Maps: 16
• Landscapes: 16
• Landscape Heightmaps: 32
• Landscape Master Materials: 3
• Landscape Material Instances: 16
• Landscape RGBAK Splatmaps: 32
• Landscape Textures: 75
• Landscape Weightmaps: 80
• Auto-Materials: 1
• Auto-Materials Instances: 1
• Grass Meshes: 1
• Ocean Meshes: 1
• Ocean Master Materials: 1
• Ocean Material Instances: 1
• Ocean Textures: 7
Technical Details:
• Landscape Sizes: 2017
• Heightmap Sizes: 2017, 2048
• Splatmap Sizes: 2048
• Weightmap Sizes: 2048
• Texture Sizes: 1024, 2048, 4096
• Textures include Diffuse, Normal, Rough, Specular
• Platforms Tested: PC Windows 64-bit
• Project zip file size: 1.11GB
Supported Development Platforms:
• Maps: Unreal Engine 4.26 and above
• Asset Contents: any version
Supported Engine Versions
4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3