DevTon Archviz Materials Vol 15

36 Materials with 138 seamless 4k textures.

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Material types: Concrete Wall, Brick Wall, Wood, Marble, Metal. Highly customizable Master Material with full Parallax support. All Textures 4K resolution (Albedo, Normal Maps, Roughness Maps, Metal Maps, Height Maps).

**If you have any issues, concerns or general questions please contact us via our official email of**

Technical Details

Texture Resolutions: 138 x 4096×4096 (4k Textures)

Number of Materials: 36

Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes

Number of Textures: 138

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Oculus Rift

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Oculus Rift

Documentation: No

Supported Engine Versions

4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2