Mesh Division : Harvest Pack

A collection of “Harvest” themed props and a Liquid Transfer System.

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This version of Mesh Division’s Interactable Prop Lineup includes a collection of “Harvest” themed props and a Liquid Transfer System. Most of the Props are interactable, used contextually, and are highly customizable with expandable Color Profiles. The Props also contain Scene Decoration tools utilizing Public Variables, allowing for easy drag and drop Scene Decoration with options for seeded or seedless randomization of various prop components and materials.

Barrel Blueprint

– The Barrel is the largest liquid storage container, capable of storing up to 50,000 ml of Liquid. Its primary feature is multiple orientations for differing purposes, such as upright to allow for liquid intake, or lid sealed and tipped horizontal to allow the Spout to drain liquid and fill other props. The Barrel also features Damage Percentage, allowing you to customize your scene with both functional and non-functional Barrels.

Basket Blueprint

– The Basket is primarily a decorative prop, however, it can also be carried by the player with other props attached inside of it.

Bucket Blueprint

– The Bucket is a storage container capable of possessing both fruit and liquid contents. It can be carried, poured, filled and is able to possess up to 5,000 ml of liquid. Only one type of fruit can be placed in the Bucket at a given time.

Fruit Blueprint

– Blueprint for all interactable fruit, which can be picked from trees / bushes, placed in various containers, and pressed into juice at any functioning Fruit Press.

Fruit Press Blueprint

– The Fruit Press is both a Fruit and Liquid storage container, capable of converting Fruit into Juice and filling other containers from it. Fruit has to be manually placed inside of the Press, and then manually pressed into Juice. Only one type of fruit can be placed inside the Fruit Press at a given time. The Fruit Press is capable of holding up to 15,000 ml of Juice, and features Damage Percentage, allowing you to customize your scene with both functional and non-functional Fruit Presses.

Fruit Tree Blueprint

– The Fruit Tree spawns collectable fruits. It can be interacted with via bucket or by hand, and is also capable of posing as a tree or bush. Fruit is scattered through the Tree or Bush in a radius based on number of fruit specified. A fruit filled Tree or Bush will fill one Bucket.

Table Blueprint

– The Table is a decorative prop that is capable of spawning other props in various layouts on the Table. It is also capable of spawning with or without different colored table cloths, and can spawn in small or large versions.

Tankard Blueprint

– The Tankard is a fillable container capable of holding up to 500 ml of Liquid. The Tankard can be carried, is perfect for use and storage at any Fruit Press, and also handy for quickly mixing liquids.

Demo Player Blueprint

-BP_Player is a demo character in which to build from or to replace with your own character blueprint. A Full Guide to replacing this Blueprint with your own character blueprint can be found in the Documentation linked below. The Blueprint features first person movement and an “Action” Key Event used in unison with line-tracing for interactions with the various props.

Liquid Transfer System

– The Barrel, Bucket, Fruit Press and Tankard all utilize a ml based Liquid Transfer System in order to visualize transferring of Liquid from one container to another. Liquids can be mixed together, which will gradually shift the color of the Liquid to a blend of two differing liquids. In some cases, the Liquid Transfer System uses Particle collision detection from the Spill Particles to produce accurate fill increments in receiving Containers based on the liquid that has left the Pouring Container. Spillage is produced in situations where a Pouring Container is continually pouring into a Container which is already full.

Documentation & Guides :

Video Showcase :

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 9

Input: Keyboard and Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not tested for Mac


Important/Additional Notes: Made with Blueprints only

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27