Contains everything to create a game with the entente side of WW1. There’s 116 meshes, which make up:
~ 2 uniforms
~ 2 web gear
~ 7 hats plus straps
~ 2 gas masks
~ 5 Heads
~ 13 beards
~ 13 mustaches
~ 9 eyebrows
~ 3 side burns
~ 2 grenades
~ 2 melee weapons
~ 10 weapons plus attachments/mags/bullets
Vert count: 21 – 3.9K
Also contains additional joints for animators:
Metacarpals for both hands, labelled as “index_00_r / l”, “middle_00_r / l”, “ring_00_r / l” & “pinky_00_r / l”.
Additional forearm twist joint for both forearms, labelled as “lowerarm_twist_02_r / l”.
Characters are ideal for 3rd person camera, weapons can be used as both (sights line up and all the moveable parts can move). The facial hair is split up in a way so you can have as many combinations as possible. The 2 LMGs have 2 variants each, they’re basically identical but with different mags.
For best re-targeting options, please set the root & pelvis joints to “Animation Scaled” and all other joints to “Skeleton”.
Link the German pack:
Technical Details
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Metacarpals for both hands, labelled as “index_00_r / l”, “middle_00_r / l”, “ring_00_r / l” & “pinky_00_r / l”.
Additional twist joints for both forearms, labelled as “lowerarm_twist_02_r / l”.
IK bones are included: No
Animated: No
Number of characters: 2
Vertex counts of characters: 3.6k – 3.9k
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 master, 8 instances
Number of Textures: 1
Texture Resolutions: 1k
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
For best re-targeting options, please set the root & pelvis joints to “Animation Scaled” and all other joints to “Skeleton”.
Any problems or question feel free to get in touch!
Supported Engine Versions
4.24, 4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3