Modern Doors v2

High-quality, interactive door models for modern settings. 4K textures!

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High-quality, interactive door models for modern settings with 4K textures.

Video Trailer

This asset pack features door blueprints, ready to use, with different looks, behaviors and sounds. The blueprints are ready to be placed in your project and they have been set up to interact in various ways. Some open/close upon pressing a key (F keyboard key by default) and some trigger upon a player pawn’s proximity.

Please note that the doors have been scaled to realistic measurements. They work best with, for instance, a capsule collider of about 40 radius and 90 half height.

For support or questions regarding the asset pack, contact me at this address.

For updates on this and future asset packs, feel free to follow me on Twitter.

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 26 (incl. simple demo level meshes)

Collision: Yes, box colliders and some per-poly.

Vertex Count: 8-272

LODs: 0

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3/19

Number of Textures: 57

Texture Resolutions: 4096 x 4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not Tested

Documentation: Blueprint Instructions

Supported Engine Versions

4.24 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3