Tension Music Pack-v2

HQ Cinematic Music to create tension and suspense for films and games

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Tension Music pack-v2 by M STUDIO and MdF Music Records is a collection of high-fidelity AAA music tracks bringing you immersive and cinematic atmospheres to take your project to the next audio level.

All the tracks have been carefully composed, played and mixed by Spotify Artist: Massimo De Francisco.


Tension Music pack-v2 consists on 13 original high-quality stereo wav files to create tension and suspense in the scenes of your games and films.

They are composed so that you can loop them in Unreal Engine 4 facilitating the creation of different musical backgrounds.

Technical Details

Features 13 high quality stereo music wav files

Minutes of audio provided: 26′

Number of Audio Waves: 13

Number of Audio Cues: 13

Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz / 16 bit

Does sounds loop: yes

Supported Development Platforms: all

Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i_u4mW7L0pW-SnOjtbNPuMJ4jJEsPciM/view?usp=sharing

Four 35” samples tracks: https://soundcloud.com/mdf-music-records/sets/tension-music-volume-2/s-40NU5670DIn

Looking to create a unique soundtrack for your project, get in touch with MdF Music Records here: https://mdfmusicrecords.wixsite.com/massimodefrancisco/

Photo by: https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/@smetovisuals

Supported Engine Versions

4.10 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3