One Click Online Subsystem : Alias OCOS
with this plugin you can connect players across the globe using steam and is intended to help you test your multiplayer game features ASAP using the default OSS and Steam services
full video tutorial here: OCOS tutorial
Discord Server for support: invite link
if you are looking for fast and simple system to get multiplayer work fast in you project for fast testing with multi computers,
with only these basic functions available (basically what most people needs)
this plugin is for you
but if you are looking for more Advanced functionalist (like friend’s list and inviting players in-game), you can find other plugins in the marketplace
One Click Subsystem is a Subsystem that’s simplifies the configuration to project to start work and test with steam subsystem with little to no work
Basically, the first part is to set these values to the config ini files from the editor without leaving it
you can get these values from this UE page
Online Subsystem Steam Interface in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
and with that can connect to steam API
the second part is a little Subsystem i made to use the configuration above to create and destroy sessions and to find and join sessions — this plugin supports only these functions
i made this plugin because when i started to make my game to support multiplayer i struggled with how to configure my project to support steam with a lot of effort i collected all my knowledge and made it as plugin so i can use it with any project with easy – specialty for noncoder’s
You can Find Full documentation in this Page
OneClickOnlineSubsystem – مستندات Google
and full tutorial here: OCOS tutorial — Video under processing
Discord Server for support: invite link
Technical Details
(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Code Modules: (Runtime ,Editor.)
Number of Blueprints: 4 WidgetBlueprint and 1 EditorUtilityWidgetBlueprint
Number of C++ Classes:3
Network Replicated: (Yes/No)
Supported Development Platforms: (Win 64)
Supported Target Build Platforms: (Win 64)
Documentation: Link ( the documentation
Example Project: (you can find one example inside the plugin content folder)
Important/Additional Notes:
Supported Engine Versions
5.0 – 5.1