This system gives you the ability to create a grinding rail at any type of level in your project; that the player can use. With this system, you will be able to create the perfect grinding experience for your players.
It can be used to create any type of rail that the player can grind on using glide based meshes. The system is easy to use and extremely versatile, making it perfect for any game developer looking to add polished rails to their game.
This system includes complementary subsystems such as items, sound, fvx, speed change; etc; that can be quickly and easily customized, allowing you greater control of the system. It includes an IK (Inverse Kinematics) system that allows correct grinding.
New update v1.5 (Current version): Video Update
New update v1.3: Video Update
Technical Details
• Implementation in a new project is easy
• You can customize the model and the front axle it is on
• Allows you to adjust the height at which the character will be located
• Allows you to customize the speed of each spline separately and anywhere on the spline independently.
• Allows you to jump while inside the spline component.
• Includes FVX System Left and Right Foot: Add sparks to both feet.
• You can add different sparks to each spline and change them anywhere while the player is grinding
• Includes Sound System: customize the sound at startup; during and at the end of grinding.
• Includes a system for collecting individual coins and in the form of an adaptable spline.
• Allows you to customize the system regeneration of coins automatically
Number of Blueprints: 14
Number of meshes: 11
Number of animations: 25
Widget Number: 1
Number of audio waves: 4
Number of audio signals: 4
Number of visual effects: 5
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
maps : 2
Replicated network: No
Supported development platforms:
Windows: Yes
mac: yes
android: yes
iOS: Yes
Video tutorial link 1 (v1.3)
Video tutorial link 2 (v1.3)
Migration Tutorial (v1.5 Current version)
First person migration tutorial
Supported Engine Versions
4.27, 5.0 – 5.3