Dust and SandStorm FX

Dust, Smoke and Sandstorm FX

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Demo 1 ” Character, Environment, and sounds are not included in the package.”

Demo 2 ” Character, Environment, and sounds are not included in the package.”


Technical Demo


Playable Demo (1k Textures)

Discord Server

Updates ( 1 , 2 , 3)

Path Tracing does not support it.

Dust and Sandstorm products combine our two products (Dust and Smoke FX, Sandstorm FX).

So you have access to a large variety of smoke and dust effect, from the massive storm, and tornadoes to dust and smoke.

Besides the smoke and dust effects, we have sand effects too.

All the effects come with their own parameters so just drag your effect to your world and start to customize.

Over 90 % of effects support the slow motion.

*. for Cinematic purposes please follow these steps :

Find and open (EnvEmitter_GasEmitter_HitEmitter_VehicleEmitter).


Uncheck Everything under SCALABILITY.

Easy to Use / Customizable / High Quality / Strong variety.


Technical Details

Type of Emitters: (CPU, GPU, etc)

Number of Niagara Systems Effects: 85

Number of Niagara Module Scripts: 5

Number of Master Materials: 14

Number of Material Instances: 68

Number of Blueprints: 13

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

“This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3