Flexible Modular Ziplines V2.1

Flexible Modular Ziplines allows you to quickly add ziplines to your project with ease and flexibility. It provides a base template that can be used as is or easily built upon with variables to change the project to suit your needs.

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V2 Trailer

V2 Updated Tutorial

ALS Integration Tutorial



V2.1 Update Notes

Please note UE5 projects cannot be downgraded into UE4 projects – meaning a UE4 version would need to be rebuilt from scratch. There are no plans for a UE4 version at this time.

V2 Update Notes

Auto Grab no longer uses Event Tick for better performance and consistent execution.

New Screen Effects have been added to improve the visual quality of zipline use:

Additional Control Variables have been added:

New Start and Looping place holder animations – recommended to replace with professional animations.

Fixed Anim Graph IK bug.


Flexible Modular Ziplines is intended to give you an easily customizable zipline to quickly suit your needs and provide a basis for a more polished final product. Please note to make any major changes to this system you will need intermediate blueprint knowledge.

The tutorial will cover how to migrate the ziplines to a new project, integrate the functionality to your own character, and even add your own anchor meshes for the ziplines – as well as show how to change the variables to suit your game’s needs.

Having any issues with our product? Please contact our support email!


Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 1

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Untested

Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrIyL45Ksaw

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3