Character Stats – Health Kit & Attributes

Health / Armor / Mana / Stamina / Condition / Thirst / Hunger / Bleeding / Poisoning / Broken bone / Damage from falling / Regeneration / Experience / Level / Point Experience

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Discord support

03.11.2019 Update version 1.0

Product divided into 2 components: State Component and Level Stats and has almost all needed options

Thanks to these components, you can easily create any types of games. You just need to add components to your Blueprints and customize them as you need. You can create any types of games easily, thanks to these components. All you have to do is add components into your Blueprints and customize them as you need. You do not need any interfaces, the components are independent by themselves and start working as soon as you add them and turn on necessary parts. Also, the components have a functionality of disabling unused parts of code for optimization purposes.

If you need regeneration only, just enable it or add something else at your option. Health is on by default. Create a building, assign State Component to it, and your building will get condition points. Assign Condition and your building will get life duration. Assign Level Stats Component and boost your building level. If you need Warrior AI – just add the Components and configure them. If you need Poisoning – it also exists!

If you need Bleeding from bullets, sword, or something else – here you go!

Do you want more realism? Just turn on Damage from falling and bone fractures! That’s very easy. The are no limitations with these possibilities. Convenient Dispatchers will help you here.

Want to create a food item? It’s very simple. Or, maybe you want to make food become rotten over the time? It’s also possible! Do you want to make it poisonous? Not a problem!

There is just a simple type of water, which quenches your thirst. Or maybe you want to add healing effects to water? It’s super easy – just turn it on and add 2 more nodes!

The component and logic work fine in UE5.

For UE5, you only need to change the input to control the character on the demo map. I recommend creating a new 3rd person project, open the BP character and copy and paste all the inputs into the demo character.

You also need to enable the vertex destruction plugin for the House on the demo map – if you need it.

Technical Details


Number of Blueprints: 16

Number of Components: 2

Static Mesh: 1

Destructible Mesh: 1

Animations: 1

Input: None required, though demo uses keyboard and mouse inputs.

Network Replicated: (Not. Requires rework with replication)

Supported Development Platforms: (Windows, Mac)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Windows, Mac)

Documentation: Preview video | Tutorial video – How can use Component

Important/Additional Notes:

Supported Engine Versions

4.19 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2