Medieval Market Props

Set of 239 high quality, optimized medieval market props.

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Project includes set of 239 high quality medieval market props like haystacks, buckets, stalls, various cloth pieces or boxes with Textures, Meshes, and Materials created in the Unreal Engine.

Each static Cloth meshes comes with 4 UV positions which with combination of four texture atlasses allows one mesh to come in 16 different variations of texture. Project includes demo scene with all meshes. Materials uses one master with basic functionalities like desaturation or color tint.

Technical Details


Texture Sizes: 2048 [68]

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Vertex Count: 30-10k depends on the asset

LODs: 3 automatically generated LOD, screen size set by hand

Number of Meshes: 289

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 28 (2 Masters 26 Instances)

Number of Textures: 88

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows/Mac/PS4/Xbox/Mobile

Supports UE5: Yes

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3