Platform Fighter Starter Kit

Get a head start on your own platform fighter!

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V3 Has been cancelled and no future plans to update the kit

I will provide a free version of what was done V3 at a later date (which will be -broken in some parts] for the community to do what they want with it


Documentation V2 Docs in progress

v2 Video

Get a head start on making your own platform fighter made with 100% Blueprints

Easily create new characters and abilities added them to the character select

The starter kit also has basic online / networking

Contains samples from some of my other asset packs

Important/Additional Notes: This is intended to help start your own platform fighter and does not have all features found in the core fighting mechanics.

I intend to update this kit over time with new features and fixes so if you have any requests for new features or any bugs that are found feel free to post them on the Discord channel

Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

Ability system

Number of Animations:63, 103 animation files

Number of Blueprints: 99

Number of Maps: 6

Number of Materials: 29

Number of Particles: 4

Number of Sounds: 5

Number of Static Mesh: 7

Number of Textures: 38

Input: (Gamepad) is the main support, (Keyboard, Mouse) part

Network Replicated: (Yes) only basic replication to help get started with online

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Mac, Xbox, PS4

Documentation: Coming Soon

Supported Engine Versions

4.19 – 4.27