Prevew 1:
Preview 2:
Body parts: Head, Hair, Hands, Arms, Torso, Legs, Feet, included in 3D MAX file.
Armor parts: Chest Armor, Helmet, Skirt, Belt, Boots, Shirt, Collar armor.
Weapons: Shield, Axe
Body and Hair: 9,457 polygons, 18,806 triangles and 9,915 vertexes.
Weapons (2 axes and 2 shields): 3,518 polygons, 6,772 triangles and 3,564 vertexes.
Armor (with feather helmet): 6,374 polygons, 12,677 triangles and 6,824 vertexes.
Model with armors and weapons (2 axes, 2 shields) : 19,349 polygons, 38,255 triangles and 20,303 vertexes.
Technical Details
Scaled to Epic skeleton: No
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Lods: No
Number of characters: 2 character Blueprints, 16 “Skeletal Meshes” including bodies, body parts, hair, and armor.
Vertex counts of characters: 20,303 including all clothes and weapons.
Number of Textures: 26 diffuse, specular, metallic (in specular alpha), opacity (in color alpha), and normals.
Texture Resolutions: 2048×2048, 1024×1024, 4096×4096
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 8 Materials and 10 Instances
Number of Animations: Adam 112 Animations for warrior 1H and 2H combats, and general moves.
Animation types: 93 “on place” Animations and 30 Animations with root motion data for Adam.
Supported Development Platforms: PC / MAC / XBox1 / PS4
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: Yes
ImportantAdditional Notes: PBR Materials setup, Physics Asset setup included (not automatic “made by hand”)
There are 2 Blueprints. Please pay attention as some of the parts are hidden to give the character in the scene a presentable look.
Original 3D MAX file with rigged character in T-pose included.
3 different colors scheme for armor and weapons included.
5 Hair Textures included.
Rig has 92 bones.
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3