Try yourself the DEMO project, all the stuff present in the demo are included in the plugin
Download here the demo version (Windows 64bit)
Let the user autodiscover the LAN matches that are present in its own local LAN!!
All the menu flow to discover and connect to Servers are included.
There’s also the possibility to send and display all the custom info that you want from servers to client during the discovery phase.
The full documentation is available here.
Quick how to use the example (further details in the documentation):
In order to use the example flow as you tried on the demo, you need to make some configuration steps:
Technical Details
Code Modules:
Number of BP: 11
Number of C++ Classes: 8
Important/Additional Notes: Be sure on Windows to allow your application through the Windows Firewall
IMPORTANT, read here if you’re using engine version to 4.18 included*:
* Problem fixed for version for engine version from 4.19 on.
Some people noticed a problem for which the blueprints that should be shipped within the plugin are not present. I’m working to fix the issue but in the meantime you can start working with the plugin following the instruction below:
Go to the plugin installation folder, on most computers is the following C:Program FilesEpic GamesUE_4.18EnginePluginsMarketplaceLanDiscoveryService, open the file LanDiscoveryService.uplugin and modify this row from this:
“CanContainContent” : false,
to this:
“CanContainContent” : true,
Supported Engine Versions
4.17 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3