Every texture is very detailed and it is possible customize with a parametric material. It is also possible add a parametric blood texture for every single part of the model.
He is equipped with a Cleaver as weapon.
Brutal Butcher is easy to retarget to the Epic Skeleton!
It includes Animation:
You can see all animations in this Animation Overview
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rev 3.0
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This Update contains:
Technical Details
Full customizable by parametric materials;
Procedural blood textures customizable by parametric materials;
Each material set as base color, metallic, roughness and normal map;
Skeletal Mesh set with cleaver socket;
Number of Meshes: 2
Brutal Butcher Feature:
Number of Character: 2
Rigged to EpicSkeleton: Yes
Retarget to Humanoid EpicSkeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 25
Collision: Yes
Triangles: 45205
Vertices: 28104
LODs: Yes
Number of Master Materials: 3
Number of Material Instances: 7
Resolution of Textures: 2K, 4K
Cleaver Feature:
Number of Assets: 1
Collision: Yes
Triangles: 1710
Vertices: 998
Number of Material Instances: 1
Resolution of Textures: 4K
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3