If you’re looking for a material that looks like bricks and that can fill your level or architectural visualization regardless of the individual objects scales and alignments then this pack could be rather useful for you. This is good for prototyping but also for real productions in order to minimize additional work on the geometry and UVW side of things since every geometry that could be believably looking like a brick wall will do just that if assigned this material to it. This world aligned material system is using a combination of three out of four seed material sets in order to synthesize a non-repetitive world aligned brick material. The system itself is based on one master material and 20 instances for the different styles. All aspects of the styles can be edited in the instance materials and features like bump offset mapping as well as some decisions about additional colorations can be activated within each instance individually. The systems allow for a change in scale as well as individual offsets of the three sub layers that make up the materials texture based sources. The world splat texture system is utilized on top in order to eliminate repetitiveness on large surfaces.
Technical Details
The high-resolution 4K textures allow for believable close-ups. The included 327 4K textures are featuring a classical _cc = color texture with lighting, a _ccd = diffuse texture albedo, _nm = normal maps, and a _mroh master texture containing metal, roughness, ambient occlusion, and a height map. If you create your own texture sets that fit this combination of textures you can directly practice in the rear of the system in order to utilize it with your own data and artwork. All of these textures are set up in the way that you can use then also in your own or any other standard unreal material. So, on top of getting this world aligned system you’re additionally getting 20 unique brick style textures featuring each 3 to 4 variants that you can also use elsewhere.
World Aligned Bricks system featuring 20 unique styles utilizing 327 4k textures
Texture Resolutions: 327 4096×4096 textures
Number of Materials/Material Instances: 22
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes
Number of Textures: 327
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC
Documentation: see overview map
Important/Additional Notes: for support and questions use the discord or email to
Supported Engine Versions
4.19 – 4.27