Structural SF Kitbash

Structural SF Kitbash Obejct

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this modular Structural SF Kitbash set features over 500 objects and 12 preset material variations. It includes a blueprint that sets the material properties in a way that the particular scale of the object in the map will not impact the textile density so that all objects regardless of scale have the same amount of texture detail. The materials can be altered and changed around since they are also modular in structure while getting the details in regards to ambient occlusion and where to place dust and dirt from 10 source base alpha maps the actual details can be set via vector parameters for colors and by setting the 4 particular detail textures to use.

in case you like randomness you can click in the blueprint on the random texture random object buttons and then just get an element to start building with.

the objects are all optimized for

Video links:

Flyover video

Overview video

Technical Details

Texture Sizes:

Collision: Yes per-poly

Vertex Count: 100 to 800

LODs: 0

Number of Meshes: 525

Number of Materials and Material Instances:13

Number of Textures:35

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

Documentation: see overview map

Important/Additional Notes: for support and questions use the forum or email to and discord

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.1