Package includes 10 different models Carpets, Textured for PBR.
-Texture (Albedo, Normal,AO-Roughness-Metallic-Mask,) 4096×4096
-5 models have one texture atlas.
-Detail normal texture 1024×1024
-A custom material in which you can change the color, ornament, transparency, etc. Hope you like it!!!
Feel free to leave your opinion in comments.
Technical Details
Texture Sizes:
Collision: (Yes automatically generated)
Vertex Count: 13303
LODs: 3
Number of Meshes: 10
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 1 material and 8 instance
Number of Textures: 8
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3