A selection of some old devices. The usage of them remains unknown, but could be still useful for today’s tasks and challenges. Monitors, input devices, tank refiller, battery charger, strange stuff.
Video of a few functions:
Technical Details
Textures: 57
Texture Sizes:
Meshes: 116
Materials: 15
Collision: Yes – automatically generated
Vertex Count: approximately 2k-8.6k/device
LODs: No
Tip: You can find alphas for the monitor screens that can help you with the masking, screen textures are on the 2nd uv channel, except the SM_Monitor_03, it has a smaller screen also on the 3rd channel. Important to use the clamp sampling method, and leave a small black outline around your own texture to avoid strange streching over the entire mesh.
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3