The asset contains 30 rocks : 10 rocks available in 3 versions, single (original), small cluster and cluster (big).
Single rocks were made using photogrammetry then clusters were made from the singles.
Each rocks has 4 LODs which go from 1500 to ~185 tris for singles and 3000 to ~374 tris for clusters.
The most complex rock (deep dark) cluster LODs go from 5000 to ~700 tris.
Collisions use the 3rd or 4th LOD.
They use 4k² diffuse/normal and 1k² ambient occlusion.
Materials are instances of a source one.
With all of this you’ll be able to fill your exterior environment with some rocks and clusters of rocks.
Technical Details
(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Texture Sizes: (please list resolutions for each texture)
Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes/No)
Collision: Yes, custom
Vertex Count: 172 to 3278
LODs: 4
Number of Meshes: 30
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 1 source and 30 instances
Number of Textures: 90
Supported Development Platforms: PC & consoles
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC & consoles
Documentation: none
Important/Additional Notes:
Supported Engine Versions
4.15 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3