Barbed Wire Pack

Realistically rendered military barbed wire entaglements commonly used in the construction of military defense barricades and defenses in order to stop enemy soldiers (or zombies) from advancing on your position.

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3d preview:

Make your players or their enemies stagger, snag and stumble with his package of twelve photo-realistic barbed wire fences and entanglement defence meshes.

All the meshes share the same 4096×1024 and 4096×128 textures for better performance, and have customized collision and multiple handmade LODs.

The shader uses a special setup where you can tweak the ”MPC_Wetness” value to specify how wet or dry the metal is. This makes this package compatible with our other packages “Sandbag Walls” and “Sandbag Singles” for an uniform look. 

Technical Details

Texture Sizes:

Collision: Yes – custom and automatically generated

Vertex Count: 94 – 12567

LODs: 4-5 per mesh

Number of Meshes: 12

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4

Number of Textures: 10

Supported Development Platforms: PC and Consoles

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC and Consoles

Documentation: N/A

Important/Additional Notes: Wetness shader parameter compatible with our sandbag packs.

Supported Engine Versions

4.14 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3