Studio News

Integrate the Studio News Map in your project get props and studio architecture. Compatible with all packs in Modular.

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Note: only version 4.21 and 4.22 is matching the video content. the previous version do not include the same furniture.

Integrate the Studio News Map in your project get props and studio architecture. Compatible with all packs as ready to use game Map for games.

Stylish modern virtual News Set

design made by Senior set designer Abdul Rahman Korek.

Spacious Newsroom with News

News desk and employees desks plus Gallery Control Room allows you to feel the

studio work space as you are at work. This project contains a number of interactive

features waiting for you to explore.

the map can be used for game

level, game cinematic, architectural purposes, VR you should add your camera

and controls on the top of the project.

Blueprint elevator available as elevator tunnel

News Studio made exclusively

for unreal engine complex design includes following assets and props.

Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

·        Props scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes)

·        Textures range from 1024 x 1024 to 20486 x 2048 

·        Over 60 Materials 

·        Over 130 Meshes 

·        14 Textures 

·        Texture assets include diffuse, normals, masks and emissive maps 

·        Collision: (Yes/Use complex collision as simple & simple box)

·        Intended Platform: Desktop

·        Now the map is on preview mode, you can switch to production mode and have a higher quality result.

1 Blueprints

Supported Development Platforms: ( 4.17,4.18,4.19)

Supported Target Build Platforms: Desktop , Tested on desktop but you can use it for different platforms

Documentation: No

Important Note: Install the Substance plugin from the Market place and activate it in the project to avoid any missing textures.

Kindly contact me for any further question.

Supported Engine Versions

4.17 – 4.22, 4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.1