Garage Workshop asset was built and designed to work together with this house to fully populate its exterior area.
Important note: The house itself has a fixed layout, split to parts for technical reasons but it isn’t modular. It can easily be customized in various ways, but please note that this is not a house construction asset pack as it isn’t intended to be used as such!
Detailed information in a .PDF document file is available here
More renders/breakdown available on ArtStation.
Technical Details
Texture Sizes:
Collision: Yes, some automatic/primitives, some custom made colliders
Vertex Count: About 700.000 for the entire scene (With 7k grass mesh instances)
LODs: Yes, all meshes with dense geometry come with LOD models
Number of Meshes: 418
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 14 master and 121 instances
Number of Textures: 273 (Basecolor, Metallic+Roughness+Ambient Occlusion, Normals, Emission, Height, Bent normals (Latter 3 where applicable))
Supported Target Build Platforms: Desktop PC
Important/Additional Notes: The house itself is split to submeshes but is not modular! Also, most materials can be customized, please refer to the .PDF documentation above for details.
Supported Engine Versions
4.17 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3