Plugin Showcase: Link
Tutorials Playlist: Link
Example Project: Link
*** Changes in UE5.3+ ***
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*** Change in UE5.0+ ***
Since UE5, “CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()” does no longer need a SaveGame object reference input. This change will require a small modification in the logic as the node will throw an error (only in UE5.0 for users moving from UE4). Please note that the following link shows the current recommended way of using the “CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()” node.
Additionally, the example project has been updated to UE5 as well.
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Save Actors, Character, Components, AI State, Widget State, etc. Add a custom component to any Actor and save the entire data of it. Save Actors across multiple levels or while using level streaming into a single and compressed file. Highly Customizable plugin! Async save also supported!
This plugin extends the functionality of the Save and Load system from the engine to ensure compatibility. Also, this C++ plugin is exposed to Blueprints. This allows saving and loading hundred of actors in a blink of an eye thanks to the power of C++ while, thanks to the versatility of Blueprints, no programming knowledge is needed in order to use this plugin.
Technical Details
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of C++ Classes: 11
Network Replicated: Supported.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows.
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Android. [Other platforms require manual compilation]
Supported Engine Versions
4.15 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3