This plugin grants you the functionality of turning any foliage or static mesh instance in the world into a custom Blueprint or actor trough the use of
a Database ( for identification based on foliage instances or static meshes ) and Blueprint Nodes for extra functionality and customization of the behavior
You can:
*Spawn your own desired actor given the static mesh
*Spawn your own desired actor given the static mesh ( and ) remove the instance
*Spawn your own desired actor given the foliage instance ( and ) remove the instance
*Get the Blueprint or actor class that matches the given static mesh
*Check if the given static mesh has a Blueprint or matching actor in the database ( useful for identification before doing any action )
One example usage is in survival games, where the player can cut every tree in the world you can paint these trees trough the foliage tool (much easier for the designer ) and then using this plugin once the player hits any tree they turn into custom cutable tree actors!
Support Tread:
Technical Details
List of
*Database support that you can fill , used to spawn the appropriate Blueprint or actor given the static mesh
*Spawn your own desired actor given the static mesh
*Spawn your own desired actor given the static mesh ( and ) remove the instance
*Spawn your own desired actor given the foliage instance ( and ) remove the instance
*Get the Blueprint or actor class that matches the given static mesh
*Check if the given static mesh has a Blueprint or matching actor in the database ( useful for identification before doing any action )
*Multiple Blueprint nodes and functions for easy access & use, Setup is minimal
*Access the functionality from anywhere ( thanks to the use of the Blueprint accessor function )
*Thoroughly Optimized
Network Replicated: N/A
Supported Development Platforms: All
Supported Target Build Platforms: All
Documentation Included: No, All of the code is fully commented
Example Project:!Fpd23S7A!bfEQiqSZupnSt8DtB9sEVlSKUL07iZRs8Gvd6DLz0G8
Example Project 4.16:
Example Project 4.17:
Example Project 4.18:
Example Project 4.19:
Example Project 4.21:
Supported Engine Versions
4.15 – 4.21