Tutorial: Add custom character
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What can be cooler than having a hoverbike in your game? No matter which game you’ve played, it is always nice to ride a vehicle that doesn’t need wheels, uh?
If you want to create a racing game that needs any kind of futuristic bike that is allowed to levitate, then this is the package you need. This is the ready to go solution that comes with a complete framework to drive a hoverbike, from Blueprints to Game ready assets ready to use right away in your projects.
The bike comes with a complete integration of different functions such as acceleration, speed, damage and destroy functions, physics, turbo boosts, UI to show stats, spawn system, sounds, particle effects, camera effects like lag and shake. Also, Modular materials are used in both PC and Mobile versions to make changes to every visual aspect of the bike: change colors, roughness, metalness, materials, different effects for rust, color variation and sand effects.
Last but not least, it comes with a Rider Blueprint that enables your character to ride a bike with custom animations and animation blueprints. The rider can be changed with any custom class you want to create if it a Character class.
A project that has taken several months to create is now available to you, right now!
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 8
• Multiplayer ready!
• Toggle front lights of the hoverbike for dark environments
• Switch between first and third person
• Collision handled for two types of crashes: light crash and hard crash (colliding with something while going at high speeds)
• Has durability, every time a hard crash occurs the durability is diminished. When the durability is depleted the hoverbike breaks and stops working
• Turbo / Speed boost
• Ability to spawn the hoverbike in front of you.
• Exposed values for quick change in the behavior (Max speed, Turbo speed, etc)
• Materials of the hoverbike easily changed with override parameters set up.
• Rider Component that enables any character to ride the bike
• Animation blueprint for the custom character
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: 0 (Default Epic Mannequin)
Number of Animations: 10 animations, 2 blendspaces
Animation type: Root motion and In-place
List of every effect:
• Bike destroy (CPU)
• Bike engine (CPU)
• Bike hover (CPU)
• Bike Light Trail (GPU)
Number of effects: 4
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size: 4096 and 2048 for textures and 128 to 1024 for visual effects.
Collision: Yes
Vertex Count: 20003
LODs: No
Number of Meshes: 1
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 26 Materials, 30 Material Instances, 8 Material Functions (additional Materials for Mobile devices)
Number of Textures: 64
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Supported Engine Versions
4.12 – 4.27