Technical Details
This is a set of five beams that deal damage for FPS, includes: Blueprints for each of the beams; a Blueprint for a cube that can take damage; and a modified Blueprint for the first person character; equip, beam and hit particles for each of the beams.
-7 Blueprints
-10 particle systems
-7 textures
-7 materials
-3 static meshes.
I made these particle systems with performance in mind – each texture used is only 512×512, materials are between 8 and 26 instructions, materials used for the beam emitters I reused for the hit particles, all beam particles contain just one emitter and the hit particles between 2 and 4 emitters. There are no curves, noise, or tapering added to any of the beams.
If you would like for the beams to appear for as long as the left mouse pressed:
-change the initial lifespan of each beam blueprint to zero
If you do not want there to be a beam charge up period then make following changes:
2. go into Beam charge function and change the value in the green circle from 100 to 1
Supported Engine Versions
4.12 – 4.25