Scifi Melee Weapon Pack

This pack features 15 melee sci-fi weapons and each weapon is easily customized to fit your style. Swords, daggers, knives, spears and axes

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There are 3 styles and each style has 5 different types of weapons. Each weapon has nearly unlimited customization options with 3 color-changeable areas, adjustable metalness, roughness and a level of wear/damage.

Everything is clearly labeled within the base material, material instances and the dynamic material instance is already setup in blueprints for ease of use. All are built to the same scale and texel density.

The weapons included are:

3 Large Swords

3 Short Swords

3 Spears

3 Axes

3 Daggers

Technical Details

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

LODs: Auto

Number of Meshes: 15

Vertex Count: 500-3000

Collision: Yes

Number of Materials: 36

Number of Textures: 16

Texture Size: 1024

Intended Platform: All (though tested on Windows and Android)

Supported Engine Versions

4.8 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3