1900s Industrial Environment ( Industrial )

1900s Industrial Environment with 89 Unique Meshes

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1900s Industrial Environment with 89 Unique Meshes. Including all showcased assets, high-quality assets. With a good level of detail and optimized for Gameready Projects.

Concept Arts / Creative Direction by Leartes Team. Environment made by talented Artist ‘Daan Hesterman‘ and Camera Angles/ Cinematics created by Oguzhan Kar, Bora Helvacioglu.

Showcase Video

If you want to populate your game environments or any kind of Virtual Production levels here is the pack that you get and use to get high-quality visuals and well-optimized assets.

For all your promotional requests, technical support needs, suggestions, and refund requests, please create a ticket.

Here you can join Leartes Asset Platform Discord Server (Cosmos) to get discounts.

Some of the images has been used from www.publicdomainpictures.net

PS: There will be a modularity Update.

Ultimate Level Art Tool:

Great news! For efficient and swift Showcase Level editing, we’re thrilled to introduce our cutting-edge tool: the Ultimate Level Art Tool (ULAT) The tool allows you to create fast custom modular buildings. Moreover, it offers a seamless and distinctive way to naturally populate your scenes. This Environment pack is compatible with the Ultimate Level Art Tool.

Technical Details

Texture Sizes:

Texture Size: 4096 for detailed Assets, 2048 for Mid sized Assets, & 1024 for small assets

Collision: Yes, Automatically Generated

LODs: Yes, 3 LODs for complex assets

Number of Meshes: 89 Unique Meshes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 54

Number of Textures: 125

Supported Development Platforms: All Platforms

Supported Development Versions: Unreal Engine 4.22 , 4.23 , 4.24 , 4.25 , 4.26 , 4.27+ , UE5+ , 5.1 , 5.2 , 5.3

Supported Engine Versions

4.22 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3