3D Fire and Explosions

High quality 3D explosions, smoke and fire made in Niagara. All effects can work in slow motion as they use motion textures.

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The asset includes:

All effects can work in slow motion as they use motion textures.


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Technical Details

Features: 24 high-quality effects made in Niagara Particle System.

Type of Emitters: CPU | Mesh Emitters

Number of Unique Effects: 24

Number of Blueprints: 0

LODs: No

Number of Textures: 45

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 23

Number of Material Functions: 1

Number of static Meshes: 4

Supported Development Platforms: PC | Consoles | VR | WEB

Important/Additional Notes: Please, turn on Niagara Plugin then open map “Demo_explosions” and hit play. Effects can work on mobile devices if you disable Distortion.

Supported Engine Versions

4.24 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3