50 Fantasy style textures illustrated by hand. PBR.

Fantasy style textures illustrated by hand. PBR.

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Fantasy style textures illustrated by hand. 

You will be able to create totally personalized landscapes and differentiate your scenarios from the most common styles.

All textures are PBR with bumps, shine and that kind of details.

Bonus: The pack includes a master material with parameters to tweak on the instances. Like tiling, roughness amount or normal intensity.

Technical Details

Technical details:

Texture maps:

Ambient occlusion

Diffuse / Base Color


Roughness / Oclussion / Metallic (Same texture)

Texture Resolutions: 2048×2048

Number of materials: 

1 master material (With parameters to tweak on the instances). 

51 material instances

Supported development platforms: Windows, Mac

Supported Target Building Platforms: PC, PS4, XBox One, Mobile

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3