Ac Old Lanterns-plus

50 Old lanterns (10 unique meshes in 5 style)

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This package includes 10 unique lanterns in 5 different styles. Which includes a total of 50 lanterns.

All models use only one UV Texture SET and also two materials are used for each model. One material for non-transparent parts and one material for transparent parts.

All textures used in this package are 2048 pixels in PNG format.

All models have 3 LOD versions (LOD0, LOD1 & LOD2)

Textures (BaseColor, Emissive, Normal & OcclusionRoughnessMetallic) are provided for each style, and some have emission textures.

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 10 (In 5 style)

Collision: (Yes- Custom)

Vertex and Tris Count:

LODs: yes(LOD0-LOD1-LOD2)(deco)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 Material & 100 Material instance (2 materials per each mesh one for solid sections and another for glass sections)

Texture set: 50

Number of Textures: 161

Textures format: PNG

Textures size: 971mb

Texture Resolutions: (2048*2048)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows: (Yes) Mac: (Yes)

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.1