Action Objects Plugin

Create blueprint objects with easily customizable gameplay. Use DataTables to create Action Sequences for your objects to execute on player interactions. Reroute sequences depending on player interactions for dynamic storytelling based on their gameplay.

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See a run-through of the Plugin’s DEMO

See an example developed using the system in this GAMEPLAY

Find more details in these INSTRUCTIONS

Plugin that allows for control of your story and gameplay via the objects to control when and where Player interactions happen. Link audio, animations, level sequences, and blueprint executions to these objects to control how the player will interact. Works in sequences where one sequence executes at a time and then can queue up the next possible sequences that are triggered either by player input or as a non-player action. 

DataTables are used to populate sequences and help manage their setup. Input audio SoundWaves, Animations, or Level Sequences references to use with built-in functionality. Alternatively, use blueprints to create custom sequences where you can still pass in any object you would like via soft object references in the DataTable structure. Several functions allow additional customization via blueprints to enable you to build your game how you want using this system simply as a base for how it’s executed.

Includes demo level and blueprints to provide examples on how to use the system and get an idea of how you can modify it to fit your intended gameplay functionality. A detailed website guide is also available to provide more details on how to use the system and its included functions.

Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 17

Number of C++ Classes: 10

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows


Example Project: See plugin content folder (Engine/Plugins/ActionObjects Content) for Demo Map and ReadMe instructions. May have to ‘show engine content’ and ‘show plugin content’ in the Content Drawer settings.

Important/Additional Notes: Find more detailed instructions and contact information at the Documentation site

Supported Engine Versions
