Advanced Audio Visualizers

Collection of 31 audio reactive VFX (audio visualizers). Game-ready, high-quality optimized Niagara VFX. It is easy to customize templates via the numerous user exposed parameters. Includes a user-friendly in-editor music player.

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v2.0 released for all available UE versions! 8 new audio reactive VFX and even more customization options for the older templates!

⚠️Please read the description and watch the overview / trailer videos before purchasing this asset pack.

✨ Use these VFX to increase the visual quality of your projects: be it real-time visualization of sounds (video wall for music events, virtual concerts, games, metaverse, …), rendering audio reactive music videos, or anything sound related really.

Watch the v2.0 Trailer & Overview (musics not included in the pack).

Download the Demo executable (please note the demo executable uses Lumen so the framerate might vary depending on your PC specs, but this asset pack can be used without Lumen in your projects).

No blueprinting required for the visual effects. Just place them in your level and they automatically react to the audio spectrum by default.

Watch the video Tutorial on how to render a video of audio visualizers.

Watch the video Tutorial on how to make audio visualizers only react with chosen sound cues.

⚙️ The audio visualizers and the music player interface all work in editor mode / play mode and in packaged builds.

I’ve only tested packaging for Windows but I can’t think of any reason why this pack would not work on current gen (PS5 & Xbox Series X/S).

Join the Discord community and access private channels linked to this pack.

❓ If you have questions, requests or need support in using this pack, the best approach is to post in the Questions tab of this page so that others can see my response as well. Otherwise please contact and I’ll reply as soon as possible.

Please leave a review on the marketplace to let me know what you think of this pack.

Technical Details


Type of Emitters: GPU (with only one exception that has two CPU emitters)

*UE5.0 version uses CPU emitters for the few VFX that have ribbon renderers*

Number of Unique Effects: 31 (8 categories)

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials: 17 Materials, 12 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 0

Number of Blueprints: 3

Number of Unique Meshes: 4 low poly meshes

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

⚠️Some templates require to enable Generate Mesh Distance Fields in the Project Settings to fully function.

⚠️There is a bug in UE5.0 that makes NiagaraAudioSpectrum crash in packaged builds, but this can be fixed in a few clicks.

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3