Progression types: Health / Shield / Mana / Stamina / Energy / Thirst / Hunger / Experience
A single Component per class will handle all Stats per instance & type basis, both before & at runtime.
Progression Component keeps track of all Stats that require a visual representation through 5 Blueprint exposed functions, giving you full control over the system.
Each ProgressionStat has 14 changeable parameters to produce combinations & behaviors giving you uniquely tailored features in no time at all.
Utilizing C++ to optimize and C++ exclusive functionalities to bring you to the next level, so if you require something above standard quality then this is definitely for you.
With this user friendly system you can create any visual representation from your favorite games.
From WoWs Energy/Fury/Mana to ARKs Thirst/Hunger/Stamina to Skyrims Health system or a completely new progression type design, you set the limitations!
What Types of game could use this?
All types, from MMO games to FPS to Survival to children games
Anything with a Progression Bar should use the features you can find within this component!
How do I use it?
– When the plugin has been enabled simply add the Component to anything with a class that requires a Progression type. (E.g Health)
– Create 1 widget deriving from one of the included C++ classes & add any amount of instances of that class to another widget, each instance will be able to handle a different Stat.
V1.2: (UE5.2+)
Technical Details
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 3 (Examples)
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, HTLM5
Supported Target Build Platforms: Desktop, Mac, Android, IOS
Documentation: Tutorial & Everything is thoroughly commented + 3 Example BPs with setups & examples + Example Project contains additional examples.
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3