Due some unknown changes to the shader math in UE5.3 the rifle crosshair in the 5.3 version of this project is broken, I have a fix for this in the support discord under “bug fix” channel. this fix will be added in future updates.
A preview and a demo (Google Drive/BaiduDisk)of v1.5.2, ATPS with a Smart Cover System(Blueprint component and animations)
*v1.5.2 fixes 2 small issues discovered since 1.5.1. These are very easy to fix(within minutes), no need to scrap your work. Search for “v1.5.2” in “BP_TPSBaseChar” and “CR_FullBodyIK_UE4” and “CR_Mannequin_BasicFootIK” for the changes
* v1.5.1 is mostly a bug fix update, all known bugs are fixed since 1.5 release. I also added some cover related UIs.
Join the support Discord Server if you need assistance.
v1.4 The Gunslinger Edition preview
1.3.2+ (some features in next update)
1.3 update demo video (multiplayer support)
Older Demo Video
Quick Integration with ALSv4 (for single player only, require a few additional step since v1.3, contact me if you need assistance)
Added in 1.2:
Recurve Bow – Youtube or Bilibili
Weapon handling:
Creating a weapon with easy:
Third-Person Shooter Parallax Compensation:
Customizable Demo Level:
More contents will be added in future updates:
Update log
v1.5 is a big update focusing on the newly added cover shooter feature, try the demo above for.
v1.4.3 is only available for UE5 as I’m considering moving on from older engine versions. (UE4 skeleton will always be supported though), if you do require an UE4 version of this project (4.25-4.27), please contact me directly.
v1.4.2 The Gunslinger Edition:
Fixed a bug preventing AI to shoot a bow
v1.4.1 The Gunslinger Edition:
Added a feature allowing main-hand 1-handed weapons to be switched to off-hand
various bug fixes
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 89
Number of Animations: 1556(Including animations on both UE4 and UE5 skeleton)
Input: (Keyboard and Mouse)
Network Replicated: (Yes)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (No)
Documentation: Detailed comments available inside the project blueprints
Important/Additional Notes:
Support email:
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3