AWS Ambit Scenario Designer for Unreal Engine 4

AWS Ambit Scenario Designer for Unreal Engine 4 is a suite of tools to streamline 3D content creation at scale for autonomous vehicle and robotics simulation applications.

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AWS Ambit Scenario Designer for Unreal Engine 4 (Ambit) is a suite of tools to streamline 3D content creation at scale for autonomous vehicle and robotics simulation applications. From procedural placement of obstacles to automatic generation of whole cities, Ambit can help you quickly create the 3D environments and scenarios you need for your simulations or other 3D applications.

The AWS Ambit Scenario Designer for Unreal Engine 4 is an open source project maintained by AWS and is hosted on GitHub.

Technical Details

Documentation: Ambit User Guide

Support and Bug Reports:

Number of Blueprints: 18

Number of C++ Classes: 47

Network Replicated: N/A

Supported Development Platforms: Windows (64-bit)

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows (64-bit)

Source Code:

Important/Additional Notes: Ambit depends on AWS Command Line Interface and several other plugins. Refer to the setup instructions in the User Guide. Ambit is not meant to be utilized as part of a Standalone Game.

Supported Engine Versions
