Big Guns

A set of artillery pieces made in strict accordance with drawings and photographs.

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A set of artillery pieces made in strict accordance with drawings and photographs. 

These guns were placed both on the caponiers of fortifications and in the field by the German army during the First World War. 

This package includes both fully functional, ready-to-fight guns, as well as a gun in need of repair, for more extensive use in the scene.

Technical Details

Collision: Yes, – custom or auto-generated

LODs: No

Number of unique grids: 19

Number of materials and copies of materials: 28

Sound: 2

Blueprint: 3

Number of textures: 82

Texture resolution: 2048X2048

Supported development platforms:

Windows: yes

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3