Bipedal dragon Wyvern

This is a 3D model and animations of Wyvern.

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This is a 3D model and animations of Wyvern.

-May 3, 2023: Price changed from $54.99 to $39.99. This price will change to $44.99 after the first 10 are sold.


How it looks when used in City samples:

The main contents are models, textures and animations.

These feature realistic models and animations like those of animals in the wild.

This works well with realistic scenes.

Animation BP and minimalisrtic third person character(BP_WyvernThirdPersonCharacter) using these are included as example usage.

This includes FootIK with IKRIg.

Includes low-poly(41819verts) and high-poly(143198verts) models.

There are two types of skeletal mesh for each, one with separate wing materials and one without.

The materials are the same in both cases, but for customer convenience I have separated them just in case.

Morphs can change the shape of the head and back scales.

This can be controlled by the MorphWeight variable in BP_WyvernCharacter.

Colours can be changed for the whole body, belly, front of feet, back of legs, nails, dirt (and intensity of dirt), eyes, horns, mouth, teeth and wings.

Technical Details

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: No

Animated: Yes

Number of Animations:83(+38 In-place variations)

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): both for walk and run.

Number of characters:1

Vertex counts of characters:

LowPoly: 41819

HighPoly: 143198

Number of Materials and Material Instances: One Materials and 4 Material Instances

Number of Textures:11

Texture Resolutions:

T_WyvernB: 4096×4096

T_WyvernN: 8192×8192

T_WyvernORM: 4096×4096

T_WyvernBWEID: 4096×4096

T_WyvernDetail: 256×256

T_WyvernDetailIntensity: 1024×1024

T_WyvernDetailN: 256×256

T_WyvernDirtIntensity: 1024×1024

T_WyvernDirtRGB: 4096×4096



Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes


Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3