Blueprints for RDS (AWS)

RDS is an SQL database. This will allow you to query cross table.

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PLEASE Verify yourselves after purchasing so that we know what you are talking about when you ask and assign supporter who is good at specific plugin.


MORE documents and tutorials are available on discord once you join discord too(no need to purchase first)


The most important benefit of using rds is all columns are queryable and sortable. Setting up indexes will boost the query speed, but even without indexes you can query any column.

You can sort the table with multi-columns. For example, if you have kda and level in a table, if you want to sort players with level, and two players have the same level, then sort them based on kda.

It’s designed to execute sql from client. rds’s administer account will be managed by aws security manager so it won’t be exposed on the client and only your aws account can access it. It’s safe to use it with cognito which is an implement of OAuth2 and open id. And it uses short term https connection instead of long term socket connection and aws RDS service will help you execute the statement. So, it is safe to connect RDS from a client.

Our Discord support team has 10 years of experience in aws, linux, macOS, iOS, android, windows, and cloud technology.

IOS is supported. you can release your game on the IOS platform and pass apple reviews with this plugin.

all nodes are latency functions and multi-thread support.

which also means you can’t use them in normal function. you can use them in blueprint graph and macros.

for android: only unreal above 4.25

Video Tutorial:

SQL vs No-SQL Databases:

for android: armeabi-v7a is no longer supported from 4.25

google play store will stop serving armeabi-v7a apk from 1st, August 2021.

Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 2

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64 / Mac(apple silicon supported) / Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64 / Mac / Linux / Android / iOS


Video Tutorial:

video tutorial:

Example Project:

Important/Additional Notes:

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3