Bombs and Explosions

Realistic and non-realistic (Sci-Fi) explosions, along with imaginative accompanying material such as after-blast ear ringing, fire loops, bomb timers, machinery destruction sound effects, and more. Dry and ready for any environment of your choice.

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The goal when creating this pack was to go beyond what explosion packs usually offer. We have included some great additions to the standard explosion sounds.

Hear the sounds on SoundCloud

Files List

These come in multiple flavors and offer the flexibility to choose the type of debris that matches your idea. Some of the explosions are also designed to have a bit of ricochet sound in them which is desired for certain scenarios.

Made for projects that do not require realism, just some unique explosion sounds. Great for sci-fi and puzzle games for example. We also included a few retro 8bit explosion designs into this category.

Not quite realistic, but not unrealistic too! Generic all-around explosions for a variety of projects. Where there are multiple variations of an explosion like for ‘Basic (variation 1 to 4)’ it means it can be adjusted to randomly select from the 4 variations in order to provide a better experience for the gamers, especially if the sound is used a lot.

Here is where the cool stuff can be found. These ideas go hand in hand with explosions and can spice up your game.

Thank you,

Cyberwave Orchestra

Technical Details

Number of Audio Waves: 100

Number of Audio Cues: 100

Sample rate/bit rate: Wav 16-bit, 44.1khz

Minutes of audio provided: 5:00

Supported Development Platforms: All

Documentation: Files List

Supported Engine Versions

4.23 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3