If you are a lover of this sport and want to recreate unforgettable boxing evenings in an environment full of energy and color, your wait is over.
I present to you the Boxing Arena Stadium environment!
·It has four grandstands with a capacity for almost 3,000 people, not including the VIP areas at ringside.
·Its 12 giant screens aligned with the corners of the ring project images of the fight or any other video.
·The ring can be customised through its materials, with the possibility of changing the colour of the canvas, the skirt, the corners, the stools…
·The logos of the ring come in a separate texture so you can customise it by adding your own image.
·A complete scene is included with all the elements ready to walk through it with collisions.
·Arena Stadium Building (With Hall Lights, Access doors and Emergency Exits, Vendeing machines, Waste bins…)
·Big Screens
·TV Set (Platform and Camera)
·Public Fences
·Metal Structures for SpotLights
·Bleachers Seats (Customizable Colors)
·Public Ring Chairs (Customizable Colors)
·Complete Ring (Customizable Colors and Branding)
·Corner Props (Stairs, Stools, Water Bottle, Towel, Water Cube…)
·Judge Tables (Tables, Ring Bell, Hammer, PC Portables, Microphone, Scorecard…)
·Promotional video rendered in Unreal Engine 5 with the map included in the Pack·
BOXING ARENA STADIUM (Environment Game Pack) in YouTube
BOXING ARENA STADIUM (Environment Game Pack) in Vimeo
We hope you like it!
·Image Credits and Sources·
·Image textures show in the asset “SM_Fighters_Photoframe” are generated in DALL·E 2
·Image textures show in the assets “SM_Arena_Big_Screens & SM_Judge_portatil1” are from
·Credit Creator:
· 46 Torneo Internacional de Boxeo Giraldo Córdova Cardín -5to Día-” by Periodico JIT is marked with Public Domain.
Technical Details
·Number of Unique Meshes: 55
·Collision: (Yes, automatically generated)
·LODs: (No)
·Number of Materials and Material Instances: 100
·Number of Textures: 178
·Textures: PBR 1024×1024 / 2048×2048 /4096×4096 (depending on asset)
Supported Engine Versions
5.1 – 5.3