
BushGen04-CurlyPalms02, from the Gen04 range of fauna

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BushGen04-Curly Palms02 is the 2nd in the series for this species, using a completely different leaf photograph from another type of Curly Palm and unique meshes. The species encompanses many 100’s of different leaf styles to suit the native climate and biosphere.

All the meshes in this package are Unique and have not been used in any other Marketplace submission (the planter has appeared previously).

Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

Number of Unique Meshes: 12

Collision: Complex generated (can be turned on/off)

Vertex Count: 675 – 900 each plant, 1.1k planter

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4, 1 for Palm, 2 for planter, 1 for plane stand

Number of Textures: 11, including Diffuse/Albedo, AO, Height and Normal.

Texture Resolutions: 256×256 for soil, 1024×1024 Palm, 2048×2048 Planter

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes with Intel CPU

Documentation: If you experience any issues with this pack, please seek advice on this forum LINK

If you are happy with your purchase, please consider leaving a review for others.

Important/Additional Notes: Set all meshes to Stationary, Not static, in your scene.

The meshes are a standard FBX format, Textures are all PNG and are compatible with almost all previous and future versions of the Editor. Follow these guidelines to import from other versions

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.1