Camera 360 V2

Camera360v2 – camera system for video and screenshot (cubemap 4×3, facebook 3×2, pano2VR 3×2, EAC, GearVR 6×1, 360, Fulldome, Cilindrical, Stereo)

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This is a complete set of all available solutions for rendering various directions. This product contains additional solutions that can be useful in everyday work.

Note: Since it uses a 6-task rendering approach, as well as cutting out segments for stereo rendering, you can perform rendering even on a laptop. But it is worth considering the complexity of the project and heavy projects can cause a lack of memory. 

This also works for path tracing, but rendering this technology takes a lot of time, and you’ll still need a more powerful computer.

Trailer: Video

Video result: Electric Dreams Env, Archviz (FullDome), Ancient World (360), Slay Animation (360)

Video Stereo Lumen: Electric Dream Stereo, 360 Stereo Forest, Archviz Stereo Lumen

Video Tutorials Camera360v2: Tutorials playlist

SHOWCASE Camera360v2: Forum link

Help Forum Camera360v2: forum

Help Widget Camera360v2: forum

Video Tutorials Canera360v1: Link

Help Forum Camera360v1: forum

Documentation: Link

Included Camera 360v1 and Camera 360v2.

Support: Forum or mail

Fast Support: You can ask any questions related to the product personally:

Technical Details

Code Modules: (Runtime, Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 9 (Camera 360 v1), 8 (Camera 360 v2)

Number of C++ Classes: 1

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: (Mac, Windows, Linux)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Mac,Windows,Android)

Documentation: Link

Important/Additional Notes (more information):


Please read the information before buying Doc and forum information.

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3