These furniture are mainly from the Ming Dynasty period.
This model is mainly used for in-game decoration, props interaction–collision shells have not been set yet, and various physical properties.
Please develop it according to your personal needs.
Technical Details
The Ming Dynasty Chinese style furniture.
Number of Unique Meshes: 42
Collision: (Yes)
Vertex Count:
LODs: (Yes)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 185
Number of Textures: 61
Texture Resolutions:
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Important/Additional Notes:
This product is using (Datasmith Importer) Version 1.0 plug-in.
Any conversion behaviour using these plug-in may cause some static mesh to behave improperly. I will not be
responsible for some static mesh abnormalities caused by plug-in conversion after purchase and will not refund them.
If you need technical support: Please leave a questions on the product page, and I will try my best to help solve it.
Supported Engine Versions
5.0, 5.3