Classic Shooter got everything you need to start building a classic shooter game!
Over 15 hours of video tutorials covering the entire pack node by node.
Blender source files now available for free.
Current version: v1.51 (engine v4.19+)
Source files (Blender and Substance Painter)
Forum thread with detailed description
Game in development based on the pack: Bloom
Weapons: Fists, Pistol, Shotgun, Double Shotgun, Minigun, Plasmagun, Bazooka
Pickups: Medkits, Potions, Armor, Invulnerability, Mega Health, Keys, Berserk w/ regeneration
Enemies (with AI): Fire Demon, Shotgun Shooter, Flamethrowers Shooter, Homing Missile Demon, Melee Monster, Zombie, Green Fire Demon, Rocket Demon Boss
Level assets: Monsters spawning pentagrams, Doors, Switches, Objects moving blueprint, Secret area, Monsters, items, secrets count on level clear, Exploding barrels
Menus: Main Menu, Pause Menu, Games, Graphics, Sound Options, Game Over menu
Technical Details
Supported Engine Versions
4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3