If you are looking for a Physics Based motion(supprot Sliding while Jumping, Jumping while Sliding), a custom movement component solution in multiplayer, then it must be CM. The (Common Character Movement Component) provided by this plugin will replace the (Character Movement Component) that comes with UE5, in addition to the built-in movement mode: Walk (Crouch), Jump, Fall, etc. There are also two additional movement modes: Slide and Sprint (new movement modes will be added in the future). All additional movement modes will have the same level of optimization, versatility, and seamless connection as the movement modes that come with UE5. So, you can give full play to your imagination to control character in your own game.
Full support for multiplayer games, optimized traffic bandwidth, and network latency, plugin-and-play custom movement components combined with UE5’s newest animation blueprint technology. Provides a complete self-contained sample project that does not rely on third-party plugins, and can be quickly and easily transplanted to your own game project.
Sample project dependent plugins (Free Epic official plugins)
For details, please go to: Discord (Included Demo, Project, Video, etc.)
Support documentation: CommonMovement (If this plugin update resulted in the need to make some modifications in the blueprint class, there will be a detailed update log tutorial in the document. If you don’t see the corresponding plugin version number log update, you can rest assured to update the plugin. It will not have any impact on the blueprint class)
Technical Details
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: (Provides a complete blueprint demonstration project. A large number of movement parameter settings are performed in the blueprint. C++ is only responsible for the core part, and all blueprint content is under the top-level folder, so you can also seamlessly migrate it to your own project)
Number of C++ Classes: 3
Network Replicated: (Yes/No) Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Supported Engine Versions
5.1 – 5.3