(The contents of the two video links are the same. Please select the faster one.)
All the furniture, sound effects, and niagara in the scene are from the StarterContent Pack and are not for sale, only for display purposes.
This is a construction effect generator system established for buildings or scenes composed of simple meshes in levels, and cannot be used for blueprints.
The system consists of materials and blueprints:
The former can be used separately. These material effects are similar to construction, growth, disappearance, dissipation, etc.
The blueprint system can add meshes, particle effects, and sound effects that you want to use, and adjust them appropriately. Even complex scenes or objects can be competent. You can modify the playback speed, playback interval, and add any materials you want to use.
The blueprint has added a projection function, which allows for the creation of existing scenes (meshes) in other places.
The asset package contains :
– 4 Main Blueprints
BP_MasterControl is designed to facilitate the management of multiple BP_Detect.
BP_Detect is the blueprint for users to add meshes. It can appear repeatedly in the scene.
BP_CE_Trigger is a simple external trigger.
BP_Replace is generally not dragged into the scene. It is just a blueprint for generating intermediate effects and does not need to be set.
– 3 Main Materials
—-M_GrowUV + M_GrowUVGrid
—-M_GrowAxis + M_GrowAxisGrid
—-M_HologramAxis + M_HologramAxisGrid
The resource pack contains multiple cases and detailed tutorials and parameter introductions.
Technical Details
Number of Main Blueprints: 4(BP_MasterControl,BP_Detect,BP_CE_Trigger,BP_Replace)
Number of Main Materials: 3 main materials
Supported Engine Versions
4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3